ISAS System Questions and Answers
Q.- Does a caregiver or a substitute have to be assigned to a specific client?
A.- Not at all. Caregivers can work for any clients as long as they, caregivers, are registered with the agency. Only upon the registration with the agency can the caregivers begin clocking in and out.
Q.- How do clients get OTPs devices?
A.- It is up to the client’s case manager to determine if he or she needs an OTP device. OTP battery is good for 5 years. Client’s family can also request the device from their case manager if needed.
Q.- Are all the clients required to have OTPs?
A. Not if the client is at home and if the call can be made from the client’s main line.
Q.- Can I use both – the client’s home phone and a cell phone – to register a shift with an OTP?
A.- Both methods are possible. You can use client’s home phone to sign in and cell phone with OTP to sign out.
Q.-What if caregiver can log in but cannot log out?
A.- Your call will be transferred to help desk after 3 attempts and they will enter the information on your behalf.
Q.- Can one family with two clients have devices?
A.- Yes, when 2 people in one household 2 devices will be given.
Q.- Is it possible for a caregiver to get paid for their services when they travel with their client out of town?
A.- Yes, given that the client has received an authorization from their case manager and that their OTP is with them.
Q.- Who distributes OTPs?
A.- Clients’ case managers.
Q.- Since clients, who have two or more caregivers, exceed their monthly minute limit, can they deny phone calls to their PCAs?
A.- This will not be a problem since ISAS clock in and out number is toll free and does not count against any calling plan. If the client does not want caregivers to use his or her home phone, an OTP device must be provided by the client’s case manager.
Q.- Does a provider need to call from HIS/HER particular cell or from ANY phone when there is an OTP device?
A.- A provider can call from ANY phone as long as he or she has an OTP close by.
Q.- Do caregivers have to enter in only specific hours authorized by Support Planner?
A.- No. For example: client is authorized to have 8 hours a day, 9 AM to 5 PM. Provider started and clocked in today at 7 AM. He can finish/clock out at 3PM. Same 8 hours shift, but different time. Caregivers must not exceed the total number of personal care hours allowed for a particular client in the Plan of Services per week.
Q.- Husband and wife have different caregivers and overlapping hours are specifically authorized by Case Managers in the plan of Care and two (2) different caregivers working simultaneously for the two clients. Will PCAs have any problems clocking in and out using the ground line/cell phone?
A.- No, they will not. Even more so, when 2 people in one household have services under the Community First Choice(CFC) program two OTP devices will be assigned.
Q.- Can one caregiver provide personal care and record work time for two clients at the same time?
A.- No. This will be handled as time ovelaping.
Q.- Will there be any rounding of hours? If not – how fractions of hours are accounted for? If one PCA has more than 1 client, is any time given for the travel time from one client to another (it used to be 15 min disregarded between clients).
A. There is NO rounding. Please make sure you clock-in and out at the exact time or a couple of minutes after your shift is finished. Do not call at 8:55, call rather at 9:03.
Q.- Case managers write in POC split shift hours (up to three shifts) – that can be provider’s nightmare. Do providers need to clock in every time they start and finish?
A.- Yes. Family can request straight hours to accommodate providers or client may be at risk of not having the shift covered – providers have to clock in 3 times in and clock out 3 times in order to be paid for such shifts.
List of Things Caregivers Need in Order to Clock-in and out Using Client’s Phone:
- Make sure you are in a quiet location
- Make sure to use a dial tone phone. Phone with rotary dial will not work
- Dial toll free number: 1-855-463-4727
- Enter 11-digit Medical Assistance Number of your client
- Enter the Circle of Friends, LLC agency Provider Number
- Enter your 9-digit Social Security Number for identification
- Press “1” to clock in or “2” to clock out
*three attempt limit to enter in correct information, after which you will be redirected to the “help desk” (if within customer service hours) or be prompted to leave a message (if after customer service hours)
List of Things Caregivers Need in Order to Clock-in and out Using OTP:
- Make sure you are in a quiet location
- Make sure to use a dial tone phone. Phone with rotary dial will not work
- Dial toll free number: 1-855-463-4727
- Enter 11-digit Medical Assistance Number of your client
- Enter the Circle of Friends, LLC agency Provider Number
- Enter 6-digit password displayed on the OTP
- Enter your 9-digit Social Security Number for identification
- Press “1” to clock in or “2” to clock out