
Thank you for your interest in our company – Circle of Friends, LLC.

All care providers must provide:


Starting April 15, 2012 paper fingerprint cards will no longer be accepted. All fingerprints must be electronically or digitally captured.

Private companies are authorized to submit fingerprints directly to the Maryland Criminal Justice Information System for the purpose of obtaining criminal history record checks. Criminal history record information obtained under this program is mailed directly to you or the agency(s) of your choice (Circle of Friends, LLC).

In addition to the fees required by the State of Maryland for criminal history record checks the private provider of fingerprinting service will collect an additional service fee as determined by the provider.

Please make sure you specify the following information: our agencies authorization number – 0300034965, specify that you need “State Only” criminal history record check, specify that you need criminal history record checks for “Adult Dependent Care”.

Attached to this letter is a list of private providers of fingerprinting services for your convenience and should not be considered an endorsement of any particular provider by the State of Maryland.

For additional information go to Department of Public Safety and Corrections web site http://www.dpscs.maryland.gov/publicservs/fingerprint.shtm.  Go to “Find a Service” and select “Fingerprinting”.

II.        FIRST AID AND CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) CERTIFICATION

All providers MUST BE CERTIFIED in CPR and First Aid.  You can obtain the necessary training and certification from:

A.           YOU CAN…

American Red Cross of the National Capital Area.  Please contact Red Cross Montgomery County Office at (301)588-2515 for information and class registration. You can attend training at Gaithersburg, Bethesda or Silver Spring Red Cross locations.  Some local hospitals conduct training on-line at reasonable cost.

B.           OR YOU CAN…

Resister for the online CPR and First Aid class. The fee is ranges from $20 to $30.

Below are just a few links for both CPR and First Aid classes on-line:




C.            OR YOU CAN…

CPR and First Aid training is also available from small private schools.


Baseline tuberculosis (TB) test is mandatory for all new caregivers.  This may be a simple skin test (Mantoux test). If skin test is inconclusive or the test performed previously was positive – the QuantiFERON-TB blood test is recommended or you can also have a chest X-ray done. Pre-employment TB tests can be performed by your primary care physician, or at private testing facilities such as LabCorp (https://www.labcorp.com) or Quest Diagnostics (http://www.questdiagnostics.com).

Pre-employment TB test can be made at Minute Clinics located inside CVS pharmacies:

Here is a list of Minute Clinics located at CVS stores:

Inside CVS/pharmacy #1459

12359 Georgia Ave.

Silver Spring, MD, 20906-3605

Phone: 301-948-3250

Inside CVS/pharmacy #169

799 Rockville Pike

Rockville, MD, 20852-1136

Phone: 301-340-2683

Inside CVS/pharmacy #1490

546 N Frederick Ave.

Gaithersburg, MD, 20877-2504

Phone: 301-948-3250

Inside CVS/pharmacy #1449

7955 Tuckerman Ln.

Rockville, MD, 20854-3243

Phone: 301-299-3717

The cost of this test is $39.00.


You have the opportunity to be vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine, at no charge to you. However, you may decline hepatitis B vaccination at this time. In this case – please sign the Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination Form (enclosed).


Sent to us the copies of:

  1. CJIS letter stating that you have no criminal record
  2. CPR and First aid Certificates (cards)
  3. Baseline tuberculosis (TB) tests results
  4. Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination Form (form enclosed)
  5. A copy of your driver’s license
  6. A copy of your Social Security card
  7. List of your personal (professional) references (form enclosed)

You can mail you documents to us at the following address:

Circle of Friends, LLC

17610 Auburn Village Drive

Sandy Spring, MD  20860

You can send documents via fax at: 301-260-9441

You can scan your documents and send via e-mail to us: mail@cofllc.com


We will conduct an orientation interview in person or over the phone and assign you to a client.

We will be happy to assist you throughout this process and answer all your questions.

Thank you again for your interest in our company,

Circle of Friends, LLC

Voice: (301)260-0338

Cell: (202)550-2452

Fax: (301)260-9441

E-mail: mail@cofllc.com


  1. Fingerprinting in Montgomery County
  2. Job Description
  3. General Information Form / List of your personal (professional) references
  4. Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination Form